Andrew Bares
Andrew was strongly invested in Windows Phone as a developer of numerous apps. Today, he works at Microsoft.
Articles from Andrew

Developer Submission: The best homework app (Power Planner) updated to Windows 10!

8list for craigslist now supports posting and managing ads

Deep Mix Moscow Radio – Online Radio App

Review of Microsoft Band as a smartwatch

Microsoft Band tested in the rain (video)

Unboxing the Microsoft Band – Photos and Video

Local universal search on WP 8.1

Step by step installation of WP 8.1

Talking Tones: Create text-to-voice ringtones

App Review: Nearby, an alternate social network

Leaked photo of the Nokia Lumia 1520 with a 6" display and 20 MP camera

Microsoft, please fix the App Store search

The WP8 “stuck process” battery drain issue causes wide-spread complaints

App Review: Free Music Explorer