Wonsulting AI Review [Powerful AI and Career Coaching]

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Wonsulting AI Review

Looking for an easier way to job search and prep for interviews? AI may be the answer.

In this Wonsulting AI review, I got hands-on with the platform to see whether its tools get the job done and how they stack up against the competition. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Wonsulting AI?

Wonsulting AI is a career coaching platform dedicated to helping users achieve their professional goals. It offers personalized coaching, resources, and support, including resume writing, mock interviews, and job search strategies.

Through AI, Wonsulting helps job seekers navigate the job market and take control of their careers.

Its main features include:

  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  • Mock Interviews
  • Job Searching Strategies
  • Networking
  • LinkedIn Support
  • Career Coaching

It has many free and premium resources, so follow me as I take a deeper dive into what it has to offer:

Wonsulting AI Review – Key Features

I tested all its key features and here’ are the ones that stand out the most:

AI Resumes

The AI resume tool does an excellent job of speeding up the process of writing your resume. Simply enter your previous roles and accomplishments and it will generate longer-form content that is fed into its resume template.

With Wonsulting, everything is editable, so you can give it a human touch if the AI is a little janky.

I find it easier to use than Final Round, which is more of a resume revision feature than a full resume builder.

AI Cover Letters

If you’re applying for many jobs, writing individual cover letters can be tedious. Wonsulting AI takes your previously AI-generated resume and creates a suitable cover letter for the role. It generates multiple versions for different job applications, which is a great time saver.

It also offers tips and resources for writing effective cover letters, such as highlighting your achievements and addressing specific job requirements.

Once finished, you can edit it to your liking.

Auto Job Applications

Wonsulting’s system analyzes job postings from various sources, including job boards and company websites, to find positions that match your preferences and qualifications.

It then automatically applies to those jobs on your behalf, using the information provided. Receive notifications about job applications, track their status, and get to know as soon as an employer is interested.

While other AI job-seeking platforms can generate applications and point you in the right direction, I have yet to see this run effectively on autopilot.

Mock AI Interviews

Wonsulting AI generates a list of common interview questions tailored to your chosen job and industry. You can practice answering these questions in a simulated interview setting, with the AI generating voiced follow-up questions based on your responses. It’s all recorded so you can also watch back how you did.

The AI provides feedback on your answers, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting ways to strengthen your responses. What’s more, you can track your progress and see how your answers improve over time.

This is on par with Final Round, Big Interview, and a few others, but full video recordings aren’t found on many other AI platforms.

AI Networking

The AI analyzes your existing professional network and identifies potential connections that could help you achieve your goals.

You receive recommendations for people to connect with, along with suggestions for how to approach them and what to discuss. It also helps you keep track of your connections, reminding you to stay in touch with key contacts.

You can use the AI to schedule meetings and events, and it helps you generate appropriate messages to send.

Beyond AI: As well as AI, Wonsulting also offers a range of traditional services provided by real experts. These include:

Career Consulting

Unlike other AI tools, this service involves working directly with an experienced career coach who can provide advice and support based on their expertise and knowledge of the job market.

During the consulting sessions, your coach will help you identify your career goals, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan to achieve your objectives.

LinkedIn Profile Revisions

LinkedIn is a key platform for job networking but it all boils down to your profile.

Wonsulting’s LinkedIn Profile Revision service uses real experts to analyze your current profile, including your profile photo, headline, summary, work experience, and skills. You then get suggestions for improvements based on current best practices, such as using keywords and buzzwords that recruiters use to search for candidates.

It also offers a full rewrite of your profile summary and other sections to highlight your skills and accomplishments in a compelling and engaging way.

Traditional Interview Prep

A coach will assess your interview skills, including your responses to common interview questions, body language, and overall presentation.

You also get mock interviews with experienced coaches who provide feedback, rather than just AI.

Job Search Strategy

Its personalized job search strategy outlines specific actions you can take to find job opportunities, such as networking, online job searching, and attending industry events.

Get guidance on using social media and job boards effectively to find job listings and connect with potential employers.

Coaches provide ongoing support throughout the job search process, including feedback on your resume, cover letter, and interview performance.

How to Use Wonsulting AI

To use Wonsulting’s AI features, here’s what to do:

1. Get started for free or sign up for its AI or full premium services.

Wonsulting AI Review - getting started

2. Fill out your educational background, qualifications, and work experience.

Wonsulting AI Review - dashboard

3. You can then find all its AI tools under a user-friendly dashboard.

4. The resume builder starts with a help wizard and has a premade template to make it easier.

Wonsulting AI resume builder

5. Under work experience, click the bullet points list to generate AI bullet points.

Wonsulting AI cover letter - select resume

6. For a cover letter, select the resume you generated or upload a previous one in PDF or Doc.

Wonsulting AI cover letter targeting

7. Enter your target role and company and click Generate. Using my old CV, I was quite surprised at the results. You can see the style, but I’ve blanked out some details that it fills in automatically.

Wonsulting AI - generated cover letter

8. To AutoApply for jobs, click the button from the dashboard, check the AutoApplyAI option, then Find Jobs at the bottom. The tool will scan job boards for appropriate roles.

Wonsulting AutoApplyAI

9. For a Mock Interview, click Start New Interview from the dashboard and then Prepare your first interview.

Wonsulting AI interview

10. Once it begins, the AI avatar asks your questions out loud and you reply on camera during a recording. You can skip questions to move on to the next.

Wonsulting mock AI interview

11. Once complete, you get a feedback summary analyzing the content of your answers, speech, and facial expressions.

Wonsulting AI interview feedback

12. For Networking, click the link in the dashboard and begin the wizard.

Wonsulting AI networking

13. You must choose a networking goal, such as finding industry connections or sending a follow-up message.

14. Fill in your Target Job Function, Company, and other info. E.g., for a follow-up message, you can enter the name of your connection and their job title.

Wonsult AI target job

15. Hit Generate to create the message.

Overall, Wonsulting AI is very easy to use and walks you through every step of the process. It also gives you full control over editing any AI-generated content.


Wonsulting AI has a wide variety of plans to suit everyone:

Free Features

You can practice your first mock interview for free with no credit card needed.

Free AI Tools – Resume builder, 5 bullet point generations, 1 cover letter generation, 3 networking messages, and 1 interview prep.

It also has a free resources section, including standard resume and career resume templates, interview and proposal preparation, and a whole YouTube channel full of useful tips.

AI Pricing

All its AI tools are available for $19.99/mo. This includes unlimited generations and messages, plus 125 auto job applications a month.

Premium Services

  • Ultimate – $58/mo for 24 months – $1399 Lifetime
  • Land the Job – $50/mo for 24 months – $1199 Lifetime (Lacks interview prep tools)
  • Starter – $33/mo for 24 months – $799 Lifetime (Only includes career consulting, resume revision, and LinkedIn profile revision).

It also offers all its single services individually for $75/mo for 4 months or $299 upfront.

  • To get the Money-Back Guarantee on any plan, you must email [email protected] within 30 days.

Wonsulting AI Review – Verdict

Although there are similar platforms out there, I haven’t seen one that combines high-quality AI with traditional coaching services.

Its AI alone is comparable to the likes of Final Round and Big Interview but is more affordable on a monthly basis and has some generous free options and resources too.

My advice would be to start with the cheaper AI plan first and if you feel you need real-world guidance, consider a month or two of the full premium packages.

More about the topics: ai, App Review