Game Review: Paper Dash

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Paper Dash is an interesting new game title that challenges your multitasking skills while delivering newspapers on your bicycle.

Overall Score: 4/5

The lasting value is a little limited, but the presentation and gameplay are quite good!

Gameplay: 4/5

This game challenges you to collect soda cans, avoid obstacles in the road, throw newspapers accurately, and collect new stacks of newspapers all at the same time! You control your bicycle by tilting your phone left and right, and you throw the newspapers by dragging from your character. The newspaper throwing control is perfect, but the tilt controls for the bike could be more sensitive. That said, the game is still really fun, and the gameplay is set to be challenging enough where you will definitely have to replay levels in order to perfect them and collect all the soda cans. The variation in obstacles on the road is also fantastic: sometimes you’ll have to avoid hobos crossing the street, and other times dogs will chase after you and you have to throw a newspaper at them.

Presentation: 4/5

The game looks slick, and the menu interface is extremely polished. The music in the game fits perfectly to the game and actually changes with each new scene you visit.

Lasting Value: 3/5

Playing through the game once will only last you about one hour or less. If you try to perfect all the levels, you could probably get two hours of gameplay out of it. There are some power-ups you can purchase once you have enough money, which is nice, but overall the game could use more levels.


Title: Paper Dash
Price: FREE
Publisher: Jake Poznanski

More about the topics: free, WP7 Game Reviews