Now Windows Phone 7.8 Update brings stuck Live Tiles – is it better off being avoided?

The US Windows Phone market share grew 50% between Q2 and Q3 2012

EU5 Comscore numbers from November 2012 shows more Windows Phone users in Europe than USA, growing

Steve Ballmer confirms Windows Phones sales 5 times faster than last year over Christmas

Windows Phone fastest growing operating system of 2012 with 290% growth

Windows Phone seeing significant holiday boost compared to Q4 2011

BugSense Announces Support for Windows Phone 8

Nokia Lumia 920 Super-Sensitive touch screen a potential battery drain issue?

StatCounter data shows Windows Phone overtaking Blackberry in US by November 2012

Massive July increase in monthly active users of official WP7 Facebook app

July is the biggest Windows Phone growth month this year
Why Windows 8 tablets will succeed

Turn around real as Microsoft Mobile OS sees first US market share increase in more than 18 months