DC Comics có vẻ hơi bối rối khi kéo ứng dụng Windows Phone của họ

Biểu tượng thời gian đọc 2 phút đọc

Bạn đọc giúp đỡ ủng hộ MSpoweruser. Chúng tôi có thể nhận được hoa hồng nếu bạn mua thông qua các liên kết của chúng tôi. Biểu tượng chú giải công cụ

Đọc trang tiết lộ của chúng tôi để tìm hiểu cách bạn có thể giúp MSPoweruser duy trì nhóm biên tập Tìm hiểu thêm

Warner Bros Entertainment has written to their DC Comics subscribers who use their Windows Phone app to inform them that they are pulling their Windows Phone 7 app, and appeared to be indicating that they will not be producing a Windows Phone 8 app.

Họ viết:

To Our Friends with Windows Phone 7,

The DC Comics app for Windows Phone 7 will no longer be updated and will be removed from the Marketplace as the platform is being phased out by Microsoft.

If you still have the app on your device, the Windows Phone 7 app will no longer support purchasing of new content after May 1stwill no longer support reading and downloading of any content after May 31, 2013. All of your purchases are still completely accessible in your cloud-based comiXology account. You can still read your digital library and continue growing it on the web (readdcentertainment.com) or on other supported devices: iOS and Android.

Thanks for your patience with this and for being a member of our growing community. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

The company appears to be somewhat confused.  While it is true Microsoft has moved to Windows Phone 8, this seems little reason not to simply update their app to better Windows Phone 8 compatibility.

One can only assume the company did not find enough Windows Phone users to make the investment in the upgrade worthwhile, but in case they are confused it may be worth reminding them of the ever growing population of Windows Phone 8 users tại trang web của họ ở đây.

Thông qua Reddit.com

Thông tin thêm về các chủ đề: ứng dụng, truyện tranh, Windows Phone 8