Touch Surgery raise $20 million for HoloLens-based medical training app

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Medical startup Touch Surgery has raised $20 million from backers to develop a new medical training tool using the Microsoft HoloLens.

The tool, called Go Surgery, would give trainees a live video feed of a professional surgeon, overlaid with virtual guides on how the surgery is performed, with step by step guides holographically projected onto the scene.

Touch Surgery was founded by two former surgeons and already has a surgical training app in the market called Touch Surgery which provides video tutorials of hundreds for surgical procedures.

“We found that tens of thousands of people were downloading the app. We started out trying to build a technology that we would use. We wanted to know how we could train and perform surgery better,” said Touch Surgery co-founder Dr Jean Nehme.

“It is early days for this technology but we are very bullish on how augmented reality and virtual reality are going to be key technologies in the operating room of the future.”

The company raised funds for the new tool from US venture capital firm 8VC, who previously invested in Oculus VR before Facebook acquired it for $2bn in 2014.

Touch Surgery plans to launch in 2018 following testing at hospitals in the UK and US.


More about the topics: hololens, medical applications, Mixed Reality, training

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