More Asus E600 leaks, has video out

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34cff834c7f9be_138094cff249b9fe9a__TMH0476 (1)It never rains but it pours.  No sooner have we posted about the Asus E600 hands-on when we received a tip with actual video, better pictures and more rumoured specs.

The handset has shown up in the Vietnamese forum where it is said to have an aluminium front, plastic back, and hard instead of capacitive buttons, with a real click, which may make many people quite happy, given the risk of accidentally exciting an app with capacitive buttons.

They also note the handset features video out via a composite USB port, and needs an application to switch the function of this port.  It is not clear if this is a release  feature or just due to the device being a prototype.

See some more pictures after the break.

138094cff2485f1f52__TMH0474 138094cff2461b45d0__TMH0467
138094cff2479c9561__TMH0472 138094cff2467e177d__TMH0469


Read more at here.

Thanks Chick for the tip

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