Minecraft developer rebranded as Mojang Studios

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Microsoft’s first-party Minecraft developer Mojang has been rebranded as Mojang Studios.

Revealed yesterday through a blog post, the Minecraft developer revealed their new name and snazzy new logo.

The Swedish-based company explained that the change was inspired by the developer’s recent internal expansion across multiple game studios and video games, including Minecraft Dungeons.

The company’s new logo is said to be inspired by the Swedish word for gadgets, “Mojangs”.

Play is at the heart of Mojang Studios,” wrote Mojang Studios’ head of communications Thomas Wiborgh.. “It’s the blocky backbone of our games, the core of our development philosophy, and even entangled in our name… And now, finally, it’s squarely planted in our new, modular logo.”

Mojang Studios gif animation

“From our humble beginnings in Stockholm, we are entering the 20’s as a multi-title, multi-location company,” Wiborgh  said. “Following Minecraft Earth and Minecraft Dungeons, we’re planning a feature film, preparing an epic live show, and playing with ideas for brand new games.”

More about the topics: microsoft, minecraft, mojang

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