Blogosphere proven wrong: Windows Mobile scores well in consumer satisfaction

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blogospherewrongIf one were to read Engadget or Gizmodo, one would get the impression using a Windows Mobile phones was a form of cruel and  unusual torture which left every device carrying the OS at a disadvantage.

The latest release of Consumer Report’s Wireless survey, which polled more than 50 000 users in many US cities, seems to put a lie to this belief.  While the ubiquitous iPhone scored first with 74/100, the Windows Mobile powered HTC Touch Pro 2 scored a very respectable 71/100, while the HTC Imagio and  Samsung Omnia took up a strong third place with 70/100.

The Palm Pre, often held up a  model of what Windows Mobile should be, failed to score very well at all, and the very successful Blackberry scored the lowest amongst smartphone, with the BlackBerry 8830 for Verizon, the BlackBerry Curve 8330 and BlackBerry Pearl 8130 for Sprint all pretty much leaving their owners unsatisfied.

Now all of this does not mean Windows Mobile does not have room to improve, but often the OS does not get credit for the great strengths it does have, especially compared to its competitors. Examples include the UI, which is often called dated, but is miles ahead of the awful imitation of DOS which is the Blackberry OS or the breath of applications, which while not 100 000, have more diversity than the iPhone, and certainly far exceeds that on the Pre. Examples abound, but as this survey clearly shows, Windows Mobile does not deserve to be bashed to the degree it is currently.

Do you feel Windows Mobile is getting a bad rap unfairly?  Let us know in the comments.

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