看看微软的钢铁侠特别版 Xbox One

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微软法国今天发布了一款新的特别版钢铁侠 Xbox One。 它是一个 white-coloured Xbox One which has been customised by the hands of Iron Man himself.

The top plate of this unit is displaying its Stark Industries heritage with an “arc reactor” that lights up at the center. Even the controller has been customised with Stark Industries design and it also has a miniature arc reactor on its power button.


不幸的是,微软目前不销售这款特别版 Xbox One。 他们做了这三个 to celebrate the launch of Captain America: Civil War movie and 微软法国正在赠送它们 FacebookTwitter及 Instagram.

Xbox One 钢铁侠版

有关主题的更多信息: 钢铁侠版 Xbox One, 微软, 特别版钢铁侠 Xbox One, Xbox 主机, XBOX 1