Age of Empires: Castle Siege оновлено за допомогою покращеного підручника та іншого

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Епоха імперій Windows Phon

Гра Age of Empires: Castle Siege була оновлена ​​до версії 1.17 у Windows Store. Це оновлення містить нові функції та виправлення помилок. Це оновлення містить покращені посібники для нових гравців, підтримку фільтрів у підтримці альянсу тощо.

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New Features and Updates:

  • Updated and improved the introductory tutorial for new players.
  • Added 20 new scenarios that focus on basic tactics and gameplay strategy. These scenarios will help get new players ready for battle and allow existing players to hone their skills further.
  • New battle log tutorial to help players get acquainted with this feature.
  • New alliance tutorial with a bonus gold reward for joining an alliance for new players. Players who are already in an alliance will receive the gold.
  • Added 6 new objectives for players to complete for new civilization statue honor items.
  • New Daily Combat Reward gives players a bonus to all loot during their first battle each day. The bonus becomes available again at 7AM UTC every day.
  • The Alliance search function now contains filters to make searching easier. All alliances will now be searchable.
  • The Alliance home page now shows when alliance members are online/offline.
  • We’ve made some long-requested improvements to Siege Towers:
    • Level 4 Siege Tower:
      • Now unlocks with level 5 Siege Workshop in Age 6
      • Time to upgrade Siege Tower reduced to 2 days
      • Reduced lumber cost
      • Increased health
      • Spawns one infantry squad upon attaching to a wall
    • Level 5 Siege Tower:
      • Now unlocks with level 6 Siege Workshop in Age 8
      • Reduced lumber cost
      • Increased health
      • Spawns two infantry squads upon attaching to a wall
    • We have decreased the requirements to complete the Basilica Wonder.
    • Reworked victory screen for better clarity.
    • When returning from battle, players will now be informed if a new purchase or upgrade is available.
    • The Marketplace menu now auto-sorts by what is available to purchase.
    • Added country flags for Pakistan and Romania.
    • Added Honor flags for all 6 in-game civilizations.
    • Players now have more control over notifications they receive.
    • “Collectors are full” notification is now an option for offline notifications.

Bug Fixes:

  • Connection improvements for all devices.
  • Fixed a bug where players could lose connection when viewing battle logs on Win 10 mobile devices.
  • Fixed a bug where players could see the wrong crest on the ‘Raise the Colors’ power when watching replays.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck on the Alliance home screen.
  • Fixed a bug where players would be unable to log in when shelving the holiday fair under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where players could have trouble purchasing and collecting gold after server updates.
  • Fixed a bug where Henry’s ability was not working consistently. It will now deploy correctly for all players.
  • Fixed a bug where Charles Martel would occasionally cancel out Henry’s disable ability.
  • Fixed a bug with Charlemagne where his charge was not reliably leading cavalry to desired targets.
  • Fixed a bug with John Kourkouas’ and Charles Martel’s when deployed together. They will now work no matter the order you activate the hero abilities.
  • Fixed a bug where certain units would occasionally run through seams between walls or gates.
  • Miscellaneous UI Polish.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using IME for text input on Win 8 and Win 10 devices.

Known Issues:

  • When completing the new objective to unlock the Kievan Rus cultural statue, a player will receive a pop up incorrectly stating they will need to attack the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastary. Players will actually need to attack the Palace of Facets to complete the objective. We will have a fix for this bug in the next patch.

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Детальніше про теми: Епоха імперій: Облога замку, скачати, гра, зберігати, оновлення, магазин вікон

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