Bo Samsung Odyssey postal prva T-Mobileova naprava Windows Phone 8?

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According to the IE10 browser string noticed by Tmonews, Samsung Odyssey Windows Phone 8 device will be heading to T-Mobile later this year. We first heard about Samsung Odyssey from the Samsung-Apple court documentsleaked last week and Odyssey will be the flagship device featuring 4G LTE, NFC, 4.65? HD SAMOLED display, 8M rear cam and 2MP front camera. So if T-Mobile gets Odyssey as their exclusive device, AT&T will only get Samsung Macro mid-range device with LTE, 4? inch WVGA display with 5MP rear and 2MP front cam.


Uporabniki T-Mobile bodo zelo veseli te novice. Če ste stranka AT&T, kaj čutite?

vir: Tmonews