Majoritatea telefoanelor Windows sunt acum alimentate de Nokia

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It comes as no surprise really, but app analytics company Localytics has confirmed, from their data, that the majority of Windows Phones are now Nokia Lumias.

This has in fact been true since May already, and the number has hit 59% in July.

The other companies, including HTC, Samsung and “other” have all seen their share erode, providing no real competition to Nokia for Windows Phone customers.



The same effect, to a lesser extent, has occurred in USA, with HTC and Samsung putting up a bit more of a fight there, and Nokia’s market share gains occurring much slower.

In the data from the most recent quarter Nokia shipped 4 million Windows Phones, 75% of the total of 5.4 million Windows Phones IDC estimated to have shipped, indicating that Nokia’s dominance is likely to only increase in the coming months.

Localytics notes the future of Windows Phone 8 is more secure due to Nokia’s committed presence, saying:

Rather than relying on partners like Samsung, who is heavily invested in expanding Android’s dominance, Microsoft has in Nokia a partner with as much riding on mobile Windows success as the Redmond-based software giant.

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Mai multe despre subiecte: cotă de piață, nokia, telefon cu ferestre