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In partnership with the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE), Microsoft is offering hands-on mentoring for how to design and code games on Xbox One and PC for students. Flagship Microsoft Stores in New York and Sydney will be the locations where Microsoft will be offering these sessions. Students aged 14 and over can take part in this program. All participants joining the workshop will receive an AIE approved Certificate of Course Completion and Xbox Academy gift pack.

The program will feature three unique courses, each covering a different aspect of the game development process to inspire new ways to build, create, play and transform ideas that are officially accredited by AIE. This means learnings carry over into full-time courses if students want to further pursue game design as a potential career path.

When and How to Join:

学生は自宅でゲーム開発スキルを開発し続けることができますince every Xbox One can easily be turned into a development kit with the free Dev Mode Activation app on their retail Xbox One console.

トピックの詳細: インタラクティブエンターテインメントアカデミー, オーストラリア, 開発者, マイクロソフト, ニューヨーク市, NYC, XboxAcademyワークショップ