Innovation… What Happened To It? (Updated)
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Now as usual with all my thought I like to keep it in the read more section, so if you want to hear what I have to say about innovation in this day and age… Click the read more link and don’t forget to comment.
Remember those days when companies did not all try doing the same thing, but rather innovated and brought something new to the market… What happened to those days? When I think back to how exciting CES and MWC was, I remember it was all about what cool new device would come out. Now when I think about CES and MWC and what they bring these days, I think of pretty much everyone are just copying each other and very little one-upmanship like we see in the gaming industries (PS3 Wand and 360 Kinect). My case and point; The HD2, it was the most innovative, new and original device out of last year (best selling one at that) and now look at what has come from that… The Evo4G (which is reasonable), and the Motorola Droid X (which is not). Now think about it, why does the HD2 have such a huge screen… Remember the Toshiba TG01 that just happens to be .2 inch smaller than the HD2?
To be honest the only truly innovative device I have seen out in the market is the iPhone 4G. I mean with a small design that I have used for a bit, and actually liked it. I still did not like the OS, but just talking about the phone design… Apple knows what people want, and thin, light, fast, and sexy is exactly that. Now I know I will take heat for that but hey, it is the truth and these days we have to recognize our competitor’s strength and acknowledge their dominance for us to improve and be more successful. Another thing to keep in mind is… Apple did not really bring anything new to the game, but rather used what was already present and innovate it all into their device.
Definition: Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries
The amount of excitement in me is not as much as it used to be because devices are all doing the same thing and nothing really good can come from that. HTC used to make some sexy devices like my old Touch Pro1 and in some ways even the HD2, now these leaks (that I hope are fake) make me a bit sad. I am excited to see what the HD7 will look like because all HD’s have brought much change to the game. HD1 brought a bigger screen, and the HD2 brought an even bigger screen with the addition of a much faster processor, capacitive display and dual LED flash. With all that history going behind the HD line of products, the HD7 just has to be great just to keep that premium line of devices going.
Now Windows Phone 7 is what I call a great new innovation to the mobile line. It took what people wanted (fast, smooth, not buggy, easy to use, applications, games, and safe) and put that all in one mobile OS. I am sure Microsoft had to acknowledge their competitor’s strength to be able to create what they have and that is the definition of Innovation. Changing the thought process of doing something and boy did they do that with email, browsing web, just generally using your device.
At the end of the day only devices that are innovative take the cake home. The iPhone 4 might be flawed and hold some issues, but it used everything good devices have and innovated it and so… Apple took home the chocolate covered bacon (sorry I tried that at the state fair in MN, Delicious).
Now before you comment… Think about what I said. Are you as excited for mobile shows as you used to be? Do you see as many innovative devices out there as you used to? Do you agree with what I say or do you see things differently?
If you have different thoughts of innovation than what I wrote, you can email me your thoughts (at least 200 words, and a little details of what you think of innovation) and I will post it (if it seems like your being honest) so everyone can see what and how your thinking. My email is and my twitter is @WMPerson (if you want to hear me go on about phones I get and or own), I can’t wait to see what you think of innovation, and I am sure the readers will tweet it and comment on it.
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