How to Calculate Miles Per State on Google Maps [Step-by-Step]

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google maps miles per state

Looking for a way to calculate how many miles you’ll be driving per state on Google Maps?

I did the research to give you an easy step-by-step guide. Simply follow along:

  1. Open Google Maps. I’ll use the browser version for this example.
  1. Tap on the direction button to choose a starting point. 
Google maps
  1. Select one end of a state as your starting point and the other end as your destination.
google maps add starting point
  1. Google Maps will calculate the total miles depending on the route you’ll use across the state. From the recommended route, it’s 257 miles to cross Kansas.
add destination
  1. Now, tap Add destination then click on the next state border. 
distance from kansas to nebraska
  1. You’ll get the total distance from your starting point – Kansas and Nebraska totaling 477 miles. To get Nebraska’s miles, subtract the Kansas distance (257) from the total (477) and you’ll be left with 220 miles for Nebraska.
miles across kansas, nebraska, and south dakota
  1. Before adding a new stop, note down the total mileage from your starting point. After adding each state line stop, subtract the previous total from the new total to get the miles covered in that state.
google maps calculated miles per state

That’s all there is to it!

Calculating miles per state with Google Maps requires a bit of manual effort but is quite manageable with the right approach. Was this guide helpful? Let me know in the comments!

More about the topics: google maps