Another screenshot of Windows 10's upcoming design changes coming with Project NEON leaked

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In January, we gave you a pretty detailed and close look at some of the upcoming changes for Windows 10’s design. Microsoft is calling the new and improved Windows 10 design Project NEON internally — in fact, the company mistakenly showed off Project NEON officially for the first time yesterday at the Windows Developer Day event. The image Microsoft showed off at the event wasn’t high-quality, and it didn’t really show off Project NEON properly — however, a high-quality screenshot of the Project NEON concept has been leaked on Twitter today by Tom Hounsell, giving us a much better look at the teaser from Microsoft which you can see in the image above. The above screenshot shows off the Groove Music app in Windows 10 with some of the design components from Project NEON, including the new Acrylics, as well as the improved taskbar design.

We won’t go over all the new things that are coming with NEON in this article, but you can find our detailed look at NEON from last month here to get a better idea of what Microsoft is cooking up at Redmond. It’s important to note that Microsoft is internally planning to release Project NEON with the upcoming Windows 10 ‘Redstone 3’ release which is set to arrive later this year. The software giant is expected to officially announce and dive deeper into Project NEON at Build 2017 in May.

More about the topics: Build, Build 2017, MDL, MDL2, neon, Project NEON, Redstone, Redstone 3, windows 10, Windows 10 Design, Windows 10 Project NEON

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