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We’re getting so close to getting split-screen feature on Google Chrome

Chrome on Android soon lets you ask Gemini AI & simplify pages from toolbar

Chrome for iOS soon lets you set reminders for Tabs to revisit later

Chrome for iOS tests auto delete downloads after 30 days

Google Chrome will finally have a built-in split screen feature

Google Chrome will use Gemini AI to axe and kill those annoying pop-up ads

Chrome on Android soon lets you drag-and-drop entire tab groups

Google wants to remove Chrome’s compact mode for good

Google improves PWA icons on Chrome for Mac to match Apple’s style

Chrome on iOS will soon open YouTube Incognito links directly in Incognito mode

Hackers attacked companies’ Chrome browser extensions on Christmas Eve, bypassing 2FA protections

Google Chrome for iPhone tests automatic passkey creation

Google says that Chrome’s autofill feature helps 3 out of 4 websites keep customers on-site