Halo Infinite's Craig is the "official Xbox mascot" says Xbox boss

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Official Xbox mascot Craig the Brute

Craig. Few things match His beauty. His bald head, flared nostrils, those orange sun-glazed eyes. He is perfection incarnate, an alien Adonis. He’s also now the Official Xbox Mascot. 

Move over, Master Chief! Sit back in your wicker rocking chair, Blinx! Marcus Fenix? More like… Schmarcus Schmenix. Who cares? Craig is in charge now! John 117 can sit in a corner and cry about the fact that he was abducted as a child and now all he knows is military procedure and murder.

That got heated. I’m sorry, it’s a Monday. Anyways the news of Craig being promoted to Official Xbox Mascot was revealed by Xbox boss Phil Spencer when asked by a fan what he thought of the beautiful Brute.

“Our new official Xbox mascot :-),” replied Spencer with his outdated emoticon instead of a more modern emoji. “Love the community and their ability to just take something fun and run with it.”

While Craig the Brute was originally a sign of Halo Infinite’s underwhelming visual fidelity, an aspect of the game that developer 343 Industries are well aware of, He’s now become a symbol of hope among the dark times of 2020.

The new official Xbox mascot may frown upon taking a rifle butt to the chin after a cheeky peppering of bullets from his mate Mr Halo, but His smile can light up the night. When you first saw Craig, you weren’t blinded by His majesty, but you will be soon.

More about the topics: Craig, halo, Halo Infinite, next-gen, phil spencer, xbox, Xbox Series X