Admins are now able to hide individual Modern Settings pages with Windows 10 Creators Update

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In earlier versions of Windows PC administrators were able to hide individual Control Panel applets from users, and with more settings migrating to the new Modern interface, Microsoft needed to replicate this functionality in their newest OS.

With the Creators Update, admins can now use new “Settings Page Visibility” policy in the Group Policy Editor under “Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Control Panel”  to do just that.

The feature is also available via MDM.

Admins are able to either select pages to hide or alternatively select which settings to display, hiding everything else.  To make sure the policy is applied and respected, close the Settings app (if it’s opened) and then update the policy on the local computer with the command “gpupdate /target: computer”.

To see how exactly to perform the feat, and which pages can be hidden, read more at Technet here.

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