This is the Start Menu, Boot animation and OOBE of Windows 10X

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Microsoft windows 10x start menu

Windows 10X is still winding its way towards RTM, but we know the OS is close to release, and we are now seeing some leaks showing off the single-screen version of the new OS.

WindowsCentral’s Zac Bowden posted a picture showing the Start Menu of the new OS, which can be seen below:

Windows 10X Start Menu

windows 10x start menu

This shows the centre-aligned taskbar with a tablet-like icon page familiar from earlier images of the dual-screen version.

The presence of Spotify on that list is interesting, as it is not a UWP app, though it could be the PWA which is pinned. It is also notable that the Start Menu treats apps and website shortcuts as equals. Reportedly the Start Menu does not support folders, which may be a problem for those who use large numbers of apps regularly.

Following this leak ALumia also posted a short video showing off the boot animation of the operating system.

Windows 10X boot animation

The animation is from Windows 10X | Build 20279.1002.

Setup Experience

Windows hacker Albacore also posted the OOBE when setting up the device.

It is currently believed that it will be some weeks before a final build of Windows 10X is sent off to OEMs.

While Windows 10X was originally intended for high-end dual-screen tablets, the OS has now been retargeted for cheaper laptops running UWP apps and PWAs, with the main competition being ChromeOS. It will feature true instant-on, delivering the promise of a smartphone experience for a desktop OS.

The first devices running the OS are expected in Spring 2021. The devices will be targetted at front-line workers who do not normally use computers, and much of the work to make the OS easy and intuitive to use for this population are expected to also filter back to the full version of Windows 10.

via Microsofters

More about the topics: Windows 10X

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