Adaptive Card-based Loop components will let you move freely and much faster across Microsoft 365 apps

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Adaptive Card-based Loop components

Adaptive Card-based Loop components are finally here. Microsoft has been teasing them since the Microsoft Build 2022, and it got everybody excited about them.

However, back then, the Adaptive Card-based Loop components were only available in a private preview for developers, but now they’re here and you can actually build one.

For those of you who don’t know about them, Adaptive Card-based Loop components are live and actionable digital cards of productivity that you can use in Microsoft 365 apps. They are highly customizable, and you can add tasks, dates, tables, messages, and so on. And very much like the physical Sticky Notes, these cards can be moved around Microsoft 365 apps, and you can use them to get work done much faster.

How to develop Adaptive Card-based Loop components

According to Microsoft, there are 3 stages you need to follow to develop Adaptive Card-based Loop components:

  1. You need to find relevant examples and scenarios where these cards would improve performance and efficiency.
  2. Next, you’ll need to the link unfurling feature to your apps, so that the Adaptive Card-based Loop component can properly embed information and show it on the card.
  3. You will need to allow the Adaptive Card-based Loop components to show messages on all Microsoft 365 apps, including Microsoft Teams and Outlook.

To make the Adaptive Card-based Loop components live and portable, you’ll need to include the URL in the metadata.webUrl property of your Adaptive Card payload.

From there, you’ll be able to fully experience the Adaptive Card-based Loop components in all their flexible glory. For instance, these cards come with useful features that will greatly improve your work experience:

  • Adaptive Card-based Loop components are live, meaning that they will automatically update when a task is changed.
  • They are also embeddable, which will preview content related to your tasks.
  • They’re actionable, so you can use them without even leaving the other apps you’re currently working on.
  • And lastly,  they’re portable, and you can use them to copy-paste content from other apps, as well.

We think they’re going to be a game-changer. There are a lot of companies already using Microsoft 365 apps for work, and these cards will work as a glue that sticks them all together.

But do they sound exciting to you?

More about the topics: microsoft, Microsoft 365, windows 11