Steve Ballmer confirms Zune software coming to Windows Mobile

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CIO editor Martin Veitch interviewed Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO at Microsoft’s London conference “Technologies to Change Your Business: How Customers Are Implementing Tomorrow’s Strategies Today”.

During a lengthy interview, Steve Balmer was asked to justify developing the Zune media player.

CIO: Why has Microsoft developed Zune?

Ballmer: At the end of the day, one of the big trends is that all content is going digital. And if we don’t have the software and services that are useful, helpful and valuable for the consumption of music and video, we are sort of not really a player.

Now, we built the Zune hardware with the Zune software – and what you’ll see more and more over time is that the Zune software will also be ported to and be more important not just with the hardware but on the PC, on Windows Mobile devices, etc.

After many rumours, this would be the first high-level confirmation that the software is coming to Windows Mobile. While no timescale was given, its likely we will need to wait until Windows Mobile 7 to see the software on devices.

Read the full interview on the CIO website here.

More about the topics: windows mobile 7