Samsung lukewarm on Windows Phone 7

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Samsung is releasing a number of Windows Phone 7 devices, but have their reservations regarding its success.
Samsung is releasing a number of Windows Phone 7 devices, but have their reservations regarding its success.

Unlike LG, is seems Samsung does not have as much high hopes for the success of Windows Phone 7.

YH Lee, head of marketing at Samsung Mobile has told Reuters at IFA they will be concentrating on Android and Bada as their main platform, stating:

“We are Prioritizing our Android platform. Android is very open and flexible, and there is a consumer demand for it,”

She was much less positive about Windows Phone, saying:

“There is still some professional, specialized demand there,”

Of course things could be worse.  On Symbian she said “We are not seeing visible demand for Symbian,”

Of course, like all mobile operating systems, except maybe the iPhone, Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 will have to prove itself in the market, and hopefully in 6 months to a year Samsung will be singing a different tune.


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