KPMG collaborate with Microsoft to help businesses return to work

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As the COVID-19-related crisis wanes, professional services network KPMG is collaborating with Microsoft to prepare organizations for carefully phasing employees back into the workplace by providing decision support, integrated technology and risk frameworks.

Using Microsoft Power Platform tools such as Power Apps, Teams and Azure, KPMG will support CEOs, HR, IT professionals, and employees with services and data models, analytics, and access to cloud technology products that can provide quick analysis in a volatile environment. The technology platform is supported by a digital capability to help assess an individual’s risk estimate as they begin to re-enter the workplace. Using an employer’s policies and criteria, then leveraging the mobile device technology, employers can manage access permissions for the long term as employees more safely re-enter their physical locations.

As part of its flexible technology solution, KPMG has created a mobile digital toolkit for use in health monitoring, social distancing, contract tracing, and IoT solutions for safety protocols. This aggregate technology tool creates one platform experience for employees and one dashboard for leaders to make informed decisions to accelerate workforce transformation, conduct performance management, facilitate employee communication, and manage physical considerations, healthcare and HR issues in this new environment.

“Our clients are trying to manage their businesses in an environment with little recent precedent so the right technology is essential,” said Todd Lohr, Principal, Advisory, KPMG LLP. “It’s imperative that we provide critical technology platforms and flexible solutions for resiliency and productivity in a new world. We can help organizations evolve by bringing our technology partners like Microsoft to create a data-backed and user-driven experience.”

“We are pleased to be working with KPMG’s Restarting America initiative to help our mutual customers implement a risk-based technology-enabled framework to safely open as organizations start to bring their U.S. employees back to the workplace,” said Matt Renner, Microsoft President, US Enterprise Commercial. “KPMG’s selection of Microsoft Power Platform as a key technology enabler of the Restarting America program digital toolkit demonstrates the true value of the platform for agile low-code development, leveraging the power of the Microsoft Azure.”

The five-step framework also offers flexibility based on the nature of the client’s business to assess the need to make changes to the workplace, enable new digital tools, and create new relationships with healthcare providers, all the while imposing an agile governance that ensures precision and clarity. KPMG’s alliance partner ecosystem allows for the right technology architecture adaptable to an organization’s existing technology infrastructure.

For more information on KPMG’s framework, please click here.

More about the topics: KPMG, microsoft