Game Review: Real Football

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Gameloft is a developer not really known to be interested into Windows Phone, but they have published a new game some days ago, which was really suprising. The game is called real football, which was strangely available in the Chinese marketplace way before everywhere else, but now it is available and here is a little review:

Overall score: 2/5

This game is just bad! The graphics are bad, the gameplay is bad, and it is to expencive! It is one of the worst games in the whole marketplace! Seriously, it does not even support Mango’s fast app switch completely…

Presentation: 2/5

The graphics are extremely bad for a game like this, the sound is so, too. When playing you will notice it just doesn’t run smooth (it is playable, of course, so you don’t see any hard lags, but it is not smooth!). Also everything looks almost the same… I really don’t know what Gameloft was smoking when making this game! Shame on you, Gameloft!

Gameplay: 1/5

You just need to use the touchpad and two buttons, which is perfectly great, if it worked! Every second time you press shoot the player doesn’t and the touchpad could react better as well, as the player can move only into eight directions (and not complete 360 degrees…)

Lasting Value: 3/5

It’s like FIFA on your Playstation: it has no ending, which is really good, of course. But it will definitely get boring after some time, because of the poor presentation…

Gameloft, seriously… I won’t add the download link here to save you from this game…

More about the topics: gameloft, real football, windows phone 7.5