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幾個月前,我們 報導 WhatsApp正在開發一項新功能,它將使您永久靜音WhatsApp組通知。 WhatsApp beta版本2.20.201.10中現已提供此功能。

Prior to this new feature, the max period available for you to mute WhatsApp groups was '1 year'.在使用此新功能之前,您可以使WhatsApp組靜音的最長期限為“ 1年”。 But now, the company has replaced the 'XNUMX year' option with 'Always,' choosing which will mute groups forever and it'll stay that way until you unmute those groups.但是現在,該公司已將“ XNUMX年”選項替換為“始終”,選擇該選項將使組永久靜音,並且將保持這種狀態,直到您取消對這些組的靜音為止。 And now that the feature has become available for the beta testers, we can expect it to become available for the general public really soon.現在,該功能已可供Beta測試人員使用,我們可以期望它很快就會對公眾開放。

WhatsApp的最新Beta版還包含其他有用的新功能。 One major change that you'll notice in this update is that the voice and video call buttons are no longer visible in chats with Verified WhatsApp Business accounts, nor will you find it in the contact info.您將在此更新中註意到的一個主要變化是,在與經過驗證的WhatsApp商業帳戶進行的聊天中,語音和視頻通話按鈕不再可見,您也不會在聯繫信息中找到它。 The only way to get access to these icons is by tapping the profile icon in the chat and contact list.訪問這些圖標的唯一方法是點擊聊天和聯繫人列表中的個人資料圖標。 The latest WhatsApp beta version also brings the redesigned Storage Usage UI to more users.最新的WhatsApp Beta版還為更多用戶帶來了重新設計的存儲使用UI。


Which features you think will be the most important for users?您認為哪些功能對用戶最重要? Let us know in the comments below.在下面的評論中讓我們知道。

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有關主題的更多資訊: 靜音組, whatsapp, WhatsApp集團