Microsoft Azure hiện có sẵn từ các trung tâm dữ liệu địa phương ở Canada và Hàn Quốc

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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft today announced that Azure is now generally available from local datacenter regions located in Toronto and Quebec City. Microsoft is also planning to open a datacenter region based in Seoul, South Korea. Including Canada and South Korea, Microsoft has now announced 32 Azure regions around the world with 24 generally available today.

The new cloud regions available in Canada and those coming to Korea will feature the same industry-leading levels of security, privacy and control, compliance, and transparency that define the Microsoft Trusted Cloud globally and will help spur technology innovations and economic opportunity. Customers choosing Microsoft Cloud services benefit from the company’s experience in enterprise computing and hybrid cloud – offering everything from optimization of compute resources to higher-level services for advanced analytics, media services, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data. In addition, the Microsoft Cloud provides best-in-class productivity and collaboration across all of the major device platforms.

Read about this announcement in detail here.

Thông tin thêm về các chủ đề: trời xanh, Canada, doanh nghiệp, Trung tâm dữ liệu cục bộ, microsoft, Hàn Quốc

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