Một chiếc điện thoại Windows Huawei Ascend khác bị rò rỉ?

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Another supposed Huawei Windows Phone 8 smartphone has popped up on Winp.cn.

The device appears to be somewhat high end, with a large screen, capacitive keys and an 8 megapixel camera with full HD recording.

One does however need to be cautious that even the picture above may be a render, with the text on the calendar entry not being particularly reassuring.

If however it is a real device if would be a pretty stylish, if somewhat plasticky debut for Huawei.

Xem thêm hình ảnh sau giờ giải lao.

huaweiSurface_Phone-weimiwang_fuben2_145804huaweiSurface_Phone-weimiwang_fuben3_145804huaweiSurface_Phone-weimiwang_fuben4_145803 (1)

Cảm ơn hành hương32401 cho đầu.

Thông tin thêm về các chủ đề: Huawei, tin đồn, Windows Phone 8