Zadimljen zaradi Windows Phone, ki se ta teden spreminja v spletno oglaševalsko kampanjo

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According to the Seattle Times, Microsoft will be launching an online ad campaign this week with the Smoked by Windows Phone theme.

This will consist of a series of online ads challenging those who use iPhones, Android phones or other mobile devices to beat the speed of a Windows Phone in doing a browser search, sharing with their social network or shooting and posting a photo.

The 12 ads will run on tech sites as well as the Windows Phone Facebook page until the start of April.

Microsoft’s Windows Phone Facebook page will show video footage from the original "Smoked by Windows Phone" challenge featuring Ben “the pc guy” Rudolph which took place at the Consumer Electronics Show in January.

The approach recalls the Mac vs PC ads Apple ran some time ago,and a departure from Microsoft’s usual non-confrontational style of ads.

"Over the last year, one of the things that we’ve actually done is say: ‘We’re not going to sit on the side-lines when our competitors do things that we disagree with,’ " said Frank Shaw, corporate vice president of corporate communications at Microsoft. "We’re going to make sure that we tell our story, with all the assets that we have."

It’s all about communicating with audiences directly, Shaw said to Seattle Times."There have been times in the past when we’ve been quiet even when we’ve had something to say. Today we feel: We have tough competition…. If we have a story to tell, if we have something to say, we should say it. "

Preberi več pri Seattle Timesu tukaj.

Do our readers think this approach will help Windows Phone or backfire? Let us know below.

Več o temah: trženje, Windows Phone 7.5

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