Oglejte si Microsoftovo posebno izdajo Iron Man Xbox One

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Microsoft France je danes razkril novo posebno izdajo Iron Man Xbox One. Je white-coloured Xbox One which has been customised by the hands of Iron Man himself.

The top plate of this unit is displaying its Stark Industries heritage with an “arc reactor” that lights up at the center. Even the controller has been customised with Stark Industries design and it also has a miniature arc reactor on its power button.


Na žalost Microsoft za zdaj ne prodaja te posebne izdaje Xbox One. Izdelali so tri od teh to celebrate the launch of Captain America: Civil War movie and Microsoft France jih podarja naprej Facebook Twitterin Instagram.

Xbox One Iron Man Edition

Več o temah: Iron Man Edition Xbox One, microsoft, Posebna izdaja Iron Man Xbox One, Konzola Xbox, xbox ena