Age of Empires: Castle Siege v1.22 z bojnimi skrinjami je zdaj na voljo

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doba-cesarstva-obleganje gradu
Age of Empires: Castle Siege v1.22 je zdaj na voljo za prenos iz trgovine Windows. Ta nova posodobitev prihaja z novo funkcijo, imenovano Battle skrinje. Battle skrinje bodo igralce nagradile z neverjetnimi nagradami za njihovo trdo delo v bitkah.

Tukaj je, kako to deluje:

  • The first key is awarded at 20% destruction of the empire, with a second key is awarded at 60% destruction of the empire. The battle chests will reset every 24 hours. Each 24 hour period players can ear key and open up to 9 battle chests.
  • There are 4 tiers of chests: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Royal- the higher the tier, the better the reward. Higher tier chests (Gold and Royal) have less chances of showing up. A legend Will show how many of each tier of chests you have left to open in your pool for the day.
  • The battle chests give players the chance to earn resources, loot, honor items and exclusive honor items only available in the chest just for battling in the game.
  • These exclusive honor items include:
    • A Royal Garden
    • Decorative Cornucopia Table
    • Ancient Ruin
    • Ancient Grave Stone
    • Refreshment Stand
    • Regal Statues
    • Garden Fountain
    • Castle Well
    • Sun Dial Statue
    • Royal Flags

    Players should open as many chests as they can during the 24 hours so their keys do not go to waste.

Ta posodobitev vključuje tudi nekaj popravkov napak, podrobnosti najdete spodaj.

  • Fixed the bug that showed the game is available on iOS 7. The game is only available for iOS versions 8.0 and newer.
  • Fixed the bug that showed Age 9 castles in the ‘select your civilization’ screen. The screen will now show Age 10 keeps.
  • Fixed the bug where Richards inspire ability did not show an accurate description of his ability. The description now indication Richard’s inspire ability effects foot soldiers and not infantry units.
  • Optimized game connection

Brezplačno prenesite posodobitev iz trgovine Windows.

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Več o temah: Age of Empires: Gradska obleganje, prenesi, igra, Patch 1.22, trgovina, posodobitev, trgovina Windows