Snapchat chce, aby 6discover z Windows Phone Store odišiel

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Windows Phone and Snapchat have been in a long dance for the past year or so, the details of which are unimportant right now. The end result is that Windows Phone users have no way to use Snapchat on their devices, either officially or via third-party. Famous third party developer, Rudy Huyn, a central figure in much of this drama yesterday night launched an app based on Snapchat’s Discover feature, 6Discover. It effectively brought one of the features of Snapchat (branded content), to the Windows Phone store….and Snapchat wants it gone already.


Teraz je jasné, že Snapchat nechce žiadnu časť ekosystému Microsoftu a nie je ochotný urobiť pre nikoho výnimku. Keď Rudy urobí ďalší verejný pokus o komunikáciu so Snapchatom, budeme sledovať, či táto dráma skončí rovnako ako všetky ostatné pred ňou.