Gartner: Windows Phone vzrástol v 123. štvrťroku medziročne o 3 %, je „skutočným víťazom tohto štvrťroka“

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Po číslach IDC zo začiatku tohto týždňa je ďalším najuznávanejším trhovým analytikom Gartner, ktorý teraz zverejnil svoj vlastný pohľad na 3. štvrťrok 2013.

Treba poznamenať, že zatiaľ čo IDC hovorí o zásielkach, Gartner tvrdí, že počíta predaje koncovým používateľom a podľa ich výpočtov si 8.9 milióna ľudí zakúpilo nový Windows Phone v 3. štvrťroku 2013.

To predstavuje 3.6 % trhu oproti 2.3 %, čo predstavuje medziročný rast o 123 %.

Anshul Gupta, hlavný výskumný analytik spoločnosti Gartner, poznamenáva:

„...víťazom tohto štvrťroka je Microsoft, ktorý vzrástol o 123 percent. Spoločnosť Microsoft oznámila zámer získať divíziu zariadení a služieb spoločnosti Nokia, čo podľa nás zjednotí úsilie a pomôže zvýšiť príťažlivosť ekosystému Windows.

Naproti tomu podiel Apple na trhu klesol o viac ako 2 body na 12.1 % a Gupta píše:

“While the arrival of the new iPhones 5s and 5c had a positive impact on overall sales, such impact could have been greater had they not started shipping late in the quarter. While we saw some inventory built up for the iPhone 5c, there was good demand for iPhone 5s with stock out in many markets.”

It is of note that many are claiming the iPhone’s market share is down due to a delayed release of Apple’s new phones, while in fact the iPhone 5 was released on the 21st September, while the iPhone 5S was released on the 20th September.

Android has grown to 81% of the market, with 41% of sales being in China.

In total more than 250 million smartphones were sold, for growth of more than 45% YoY.

More than 455 million phones were sold in total, with Nokia’s feature phone segment combined with their Lumia’s earning them 13.8% of the market, for around 63 million handsets and second place in the market, behind Samsung with 25.7%.  This is down from 82 million handsets the year before, and it will be interesting to see how Microsoft manages this legacy but still very influential element.

Gartner notes:

nokia: Nokia did better than anticipated in the third quarter of 2013, reaching 63 million mobile phones, thanks to sales of both Lumia and Asha series devices. Increased smartphone sales supported by an expanded Lumia portfolio, helped Nokia move up to the No. 8 spot in the global smartphone market. But regional and Chinese Android device manufacturers continued to beat market demand, taking larger share and creating a tough competitive environment for Lumia devices.

Pozrite si celú správu v Gartner tu.

Viac o témach: Gartner, podiel na trhu, Windows Phone 8

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