Magazinul Windows Phone se maturizează frumos

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Magazin Windows Phone

Windows Phone este adesea criticat pentru magazinul de aplicații. Nu se spune doar că nu are suficiente aplicații pentru a concura cu iOS și Android, dar și calitatea aplicațiilor nu este suficient de bună.

Dar mai este asta adevărat?

În ultimele luni de la lansarea Windows Phone 8, magazinul Windows Phone s-a schimbat rapid. Au fost lansate multe aplicații populare pe iOS și Android, calitatea s-a îmbunătățit dramatic (cel puțin pentru majoritatea aplicațiilor).

Deoarece Windows Phone a câștigat o nouă cotă de piață, a devenit mai atractiv pentru dezvoltatori. De asemenea, noile posibilități pe care le au dezvoltatorii atunci când își programează aplicațiile îl fac mult mai interesant și mai ales mai ușor de codat. Ambele sunt puncte importante pentru ca dezvoltatorii să treacă la Windows Phone.

Remember the time where we were like 2nd class smartphone users and almost all popular apps have been just cheap ports from other systems? I believe this time is now over.

There are so many new, beautifully designed apps available now. McDonald’s Germany released its official app a few weeks ago, with full Windows Phone 8 compatibly, means wallet integration, lock screen updates and a live tile., a German weather service, released a new app some time ago, again with full Windows Phone 8 compatibly. Not to mention the new YouTube app, which unfortunately was removed from the store soon after but should be available again soon. Hungry Now, which is an amazing app which seems to be WP only, was released for Windows Phone 8. DB Navigator was updated.

Then there is also a bunch of new high-quality games. Modern Combat, Asphalt 7, Jetpack Joyride, Dalton 2, N.O.V.A, Real Football and of course Halo.

Of course the named apps and games are just a few examples but saying “Windows Phone has only bad apps” is not true (anymore). The quality has improved very much. Sure, in comparison to iOS or Android the store still lacks some apps, and not all are as great as the new McDonald’s app (e.g. Whatsapp and Temple Run), but the situation is clearly better than a year ago, and even those are improving.

În conformitate cu Windows Phone is sporting 64% of all top 100 apps available on iOS. Android is at 96% and Windows at 54. At the first look that doesn’t sound very good but considering the market share and the time Windows Phone is on the market it’s actually very good; Android had a much bigger market share when developer started to code apps for the platform. Windows, which is not even one year on the market, is also doing very nicely with 54%. I am not saying there’s not much left to do, but it could look much worse!

What I also experienced is that apps which are available on Windows Phone are finally promoted as such. Not everywhere, though, but in Germany I have already seen three TV commercials and one poster of apps, which claimed they are not only available on Apple’s and Google’s system, but also on Microsoft’s. This is not only good for the developer but also for Microsoft since this is like free advertising. Then there are also the developer’s websites.

Of course the few ads where Windows Phone is named are not comparable to iOS and Android, but it’s a good start and remember Android when it started to gain market share late 2008? It was kind of the same.

What do you think? Has the situation improved, or do you believe there’s still too much to do?