Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episodul 2 va veni pe Windows Phone în iulie 2012

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Sonic The Hedgehog II: Episode 2 will be the fist game which allows Windows Phone players to continue their game on the Xbox 360  console.

Its arrival will therefore be a very exciting development for Windows Phone and Xbox 360 integration. Pocketgamer has been able to pin down the release date of the game with Sega.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II will arrive on iOS and Tegra-powered Android devices in May. Owners of other Android gadgets will see the game in June, with Windows Phone punters able to get their hands on it in July.

We look forward to seeing this feature coming to more games in the future, to finally fulfil one of the promises of Xbox Live gaming.

Află mai multe at Pocketgamer here.

Mai multe despre subiecte: joc, software-ul, video, Windows Phone 7.5