Treo Pro terungkap - akan menyelamatkan Palm

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We have posted earlier on Palm’s confidence in its Windows Mobile offerings for 2009, and now we know why. Intrepid Treocentral forum member scottymomo has uncovered a e-learning presentation on Palm’s website describing a device called the Treo Pro. The device, which resembles what we know as the Treo 850, has many of the features Treo users have been dreaming of for ages. For a start, the windows mobile smartphone has a flush screen, svelte look, HSDPA and WIFI, and also has a feature thats pretty rare on Windows Mobile phones – a 3.5mm headphone jack! Hallelujah!

Fitur lainnya termasuk sinkronisasi dan pengisian microUSB dan ekspansi memori microSD dan mempertahankan fitur utama Palm seperti sakelar dering dan tombol WIFI.




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Lebih lanjut tentang topik: palem, tiga 850, treo pro, windows mobile