Xem Quảng cáo trên TV Nokia Lumia 920 và Lumia 820 Mới ngay bây giờ

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Nokia has posted couple of new official Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 ads which will go on air on TV. These ads feature some real life people telling their experiences about Lumia Windows Phone 8 device.

Mô tả video:

Real people tell us why they love their Lumia.

Staying connected with the people that matter, matching the coloured tiles to your mood, taking the perfect photo (even at night), enjoying access to millions of songs, never getting lost again, or taking shaky videos for that matter; just a few reasons why you might want to #switch to a Lumia.

What do you think of these ads? Will it appeal to the masses? Check out another ad after the break.

via: Mobility Digest