Najnovejša posodobitev za Minecraft Pocket in Windows 10 Edition vključuje veliko popravkov in popravkov napak

Ikona časa branja 2 min. prebrati

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Mojang je danes objavil posodobitev za Minecraft: Pocket Edition in Windows 10 Edition Beta. Ta posodobitev v0.15.3 vključuje veliko popravkov in popravkov napak. Spodaj poiščite celoten dnevnik sprememb.


  • Multiplayer invite screen text alignment fixed
  • Tweaks to moving blocks to make them work better & more consistently
  • Fixes to horse breeding to make it consistent with other versions
  • Tweaks to atlas generation
  • Tweaked some Realms purchase functions
  • Small tweak to mouse controls
  • Store screen layout scales better now

Bug Fixes

  • Players can now scroll through the list of friends in the Add Realm window using the controller.
  • Inventory can now be opened when a player mounts a pig or horse / donkey / mule
  • Zombie pigment spawn with correct textures in desert biomes
  • Nether brick fence fixed- attaches to cobblestone walls
  • Fixed issue with friends list being cleared on signing out
  • Fall damage for horses fixed
  • Pressing X on the intro page signs the user out
  • Removed phantom image of the currently equipped block when toggling a daylight sensor
  • Fixed item duplication on fences bug
  • Fixed some bugs with pistons (crashing, overwriting, taking power from wrong sources, syncing issues)
  • Observer block placement fixed
  • Glass and leaf blocks no longer going invisible when placed next to carpet, pressure plates and accumulated snow
  • Fully grown crops now pop out of farmland when cut-off from light
  • Fixed position of zombie jockeys
  • Fixed crash when shooting an arrow from a dispenser at a TNT minecart
  • Fixed assorted issues causing games to crash

Prenesite ga iz trgovine Windows s spodnjo povezavo.

[appbox windowsstore 9nblggh2jhxj]

Več o temah: Minecraft, posodobitev