HTC 8X não consegue impressionar os atuais proprietários de Windows Phone

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Despite sporting the sharpest 4.3 inch screen on the market, with an astounding 341 DPI, a built-in audio amplifier and probably the best front-facing camera, not to mention the fasters rear camera, it seems HTC’s new Windows Phone 8 flagship has failed to impress.

In nossa enquete, which collected nearly 3000 votes, the Nokia Lumia 920, which brings several innovative features the the table has been shown to be the clear preference of our readers, with more than 86% of the vote.  Both the Samsung ATIV S and the HTC 8X gathered less than 7% of the vote.

Nokia is already believed to have sold 75% of Windows Phones sold in Q2 2012, and if the poll is any indication this share of the Windows Phone market will only increase.

This level of dominance of course presents a problem to Microsoft’s multi-OEM strategy, but in Nokia’s case is well deserved due to not only being committed to the platform, but also delivering both in terms of support and innovation.

Do our readers think there is any real space for other OEMs in the Windows phone market? Let us know below.

Mais sobre os tópicos: htc, nokia, samsung, Windows Phone 8

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