Computer Can't Find Wi-Fi - How To Fix Connectivity Problems

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Komputer Tidak Dapat Menemukan WiFi
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Perbaiki semua masalah driver Anda dengan PC HelpSoft Driver Updater:

Perbarui dan perbaiki masalah driver dengan mudah di PC Anda hanya dalam tiga langkah dengan PC HelpSoft Driver Updater:

  • Download dan menginstal Pembaru Driver Perangkat Lunak Bantuan PC.
  • Pindai PC Anda untuk menemukan driver yang ketinggalan jaman atau hilang.
  • Klik Perbarui Sekarang untuk menginstal driver terbaru dan asli dengan cepat.

Your computer can’t find Wi-Fi? I’ll show you how to resolve this.

This issue can have multiple causes, including software glitches, outdated or corrupted drivers, incorrect network settings, or hardware malfunctions. Fortunately, this guide covers all the solutions.

Jadi, mari selami!

Perbaikan cepat

Start with these steps first:

  • Mulai ulang router Wi-Fi: Power cycle your router by turning it off for 10 seconds, then turning it back on to refresh the connection.
  • Ensure your Wi-Fi is turned on: Double-check that your router is plugged into power and working.
  • Mulai ulang PC Anda: Tap the Start menu > Power > Restart.
  • Coba gunakan kabel Ethernet: Connect your computer directly to the router with an Ethernet cable to bypass Wi-Fi issues and restore internet access.
  • Turn on the Wi-Fi button on your computer: Some computers have a physical button or switch that you have to turn on.

Enable Wi-Fi Service

First, make sure that you haven’t turned off the Wi-Fi feature by mistake. Follow the steps below:

  1. Tekan Tombol Windows + I untuk membuka Pengaturan
  2. Tap Network & Internet > Pengaturan jaringan lanjutan.
Pengaturan jaringan lanjutan
  1. Make sure the Wi-Fi button reads “Disable.” If not, tap "Memungkinkan."
Enable the service

Turn on the WLAN AutoConfig Service

WLAN AutoConfig is a crucial Windows service that manages your computer’s wireless networks. If this service is turned off or not functioning properly, do this:

  1. Tekan Windows + R untuk membuka dialog Jalankan. Jenis services.msc dan tekan Enter.
Ketik services.msc
  1. Gulir ke bawah Konfigurasi Auto WLAN in the Services window, double-click it, and set the Jenis startup untuk secara otomatis.
Startup type to Automatic
  1. If the service isn’t running, right-click on it and tap Start.
Ketuk Mulai
  1. Klik Mendaftar lalu OK untuk menyimpan pengaturan Anda.

Perbarui Driver Jaringan

An outdated or corrupted network driver is one of the most common reasons why your computer might not be able to find Wi-Fi networks. Here’s how to perbarui:

  1. Klik kanan Start menu dan pilih device Manager.
device Manager
  1. Pilih adapter jaringan section. Right-click on your Wi-Fi adapter and select Perbarui driver.
Perbarui driver
  1. Pilih Cari driver secara otomatis. Windows will look for the latest ones online.
Cari driver secara otomatis

Atau, Anda bisa menggunakan Pembaru Driver PC HelpSoft. This tool automatically scans and updates your drivers, streamlining the process and saving you time.

After updating, restart your computer and check if Wi-Fi networks are visible.

Run the Internet Connections Troubleshooter

Windows has a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically detect and resolve many common network issues. Follow the steps below:

  1. Press the Windows Key + I to open Pengaturan
  2. Gulir dan klik memecahkan.
  1. Pilih Other trouble-shooters.
Pemecah masalah lainnya
  1. Tap Run di samping Network and Internet button. Follow the prompts to let Windows diagnose and fix potential problems with your connection.

Reset TCP/IP Stack

Sometimes, network settings can become corrupted, preventing your computer from properly detecting Wi-Fi networks. Resetting the TCP/IP stack often resolves these issues. Here’s how:

  1. Tekan Tombol Windows + X, lalu ketuk Terminal (Administrasi).
Terminal (Administrasi)
  1. Tipe netsh int ip reset dan tekan Enter.
Type netsh int ip reset

After the command completes, restart your computer to reset the TCP/IP stack.

Reset Pengaturan Jaringan

If you’re still having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi, try restoring all networking components to their default settings. Follow the steps below:

  1. Tekan Tombol Windows + I untuk membuka Pengaturan.
  2. Pergi ke Network & Internet on the left sidebar, scroll down, and click on Pengaturan jaringan lanjutan.
Pengaturan jaringan lanjutan
  1. Bawah Pengaturan lainnya, pilih Reset jaringan.
Reset jaringan
  1. Klik Setel ulang sekarang dan konfirmasikan pilihan Anda.
Setel ulang sekarang

After the reset, confirm if you can find Wi-Fi.

Check Wi-Fi Adapter Power Settings

Sometimes, your Wi-Fi adapter may be set to power-saving mode, which can cause it to stop scanning for available networks. Disabling power-saving features might help:

  1. Open device Manager again (right-click Start > device Manager).
  2. Bawah adapter jaringan, right-click your Wi-Fi adapter and select Properties.
  1. Ketuk Power Management tab. Hapus centang “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” kotak, dan klik OK untuk menyimpan perubahan.
Izinkan komputer untuk mematikan perangkat ini untuk menghemat daya

This ensures your Wi-Fi adapter is always active and can detect available networks.

Lakukan Pemulihan Sistem

If none of the above solutions work and the issue started recently, try restoring your system to a previous point in time when the Wi-Fi connection was working. It’s helpful if a recent update or software installation caused the problem. Follow the steps below:

  1. Tipe “Buat titik pemulihan,” on the search bar and tap Open.
Membuat restore point
  1. Klik system Restore.
system Restore
  1. Pilih titik pemulihan dan ketuk Next.
Pilih titik pemulihan
  1. Klik Finish untuk memulai proses pemulihan.

After restoring your system, check if your network is visible and working again.

So, now you know what to do if your computer can’t find Wi-Fi. Start with the simple fixes before moving on to more advanced solutions. These steps should help you get your connection back up and running.

Pelajari juga cara memperbaiki masalah seperti no Wi-Fi on a new laptop, a malfunctioning adapter, atau Wi-Fi constantly disconnecting pada Windows 11.

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