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Tinder’s Photo Selector AI helps you get more matches by choosing your most attractive photo

Slack can now give you a Tinder-like experience at work, but don’t get your hopes high

Google gets a Tinder-like functionality

Tinder’s Garbo background check service is now on Match and Stir

Tinder Now Offers Background Check Via Garbo

Tinder wants to use a streaming series to match users

Tinder on Android now tries hard to bypass the Google Play Store’s payment system

Tinder Lite is headed to Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries in weeks

Tinder launches a new ‘Super Boost’ feature

Dating Made Easy: A Lite version of the Tinder app will soon the hit the market

Tinder adds a Spring Break option so you can find your vacation flings

Tinder’s Spotify integration now lets users share music

Tinder is launching a students only mode in the US